
  • Husband to one, father to none. Unless you count the four cats.
  • I take myself fairly seriously, but not so seriously that I can’t take the piss out of myself.
  • I like many genres of music. Except jazz and country. I just can’t.
  • Software support analyst by day, semi-professional couch potato the rest of the time.
    There are a few hobbies, including photography, reading, and rewriting my about page.
  • I struggle to write these “About” things.
  • I am sarcastic a lot of the time.
  • I have a keen interest in data analysis and visualisation. However, I have not studied this, except for a few free courses and the trial and error method that I have applied to all of my other studies.

If you are that way inclined, get in touch with me on flotsam@tiaanclarke.com or any of the socials on the right.